Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Year-End Review 2018

It's time to start saying goodbye to 2018.  But before we begin our sewing plans for 2019, let's take a quick look back at all of the fabulous garments made in 2018 with fabrics from Sew Much Fabric!

First up is Dorcas, Brand Ambassador for Sew Much Fabric
She added beautiful pieces to her closet that many of you were inspired by.  You can read all of her posts here.  

Samina, Andrea, and Kasey wrote blog posts and graciously shared their tips on working with various fabrics.  Fabulous!!

And others sent in pictures for us to admire and to see the fabrics come to life!  

Thank You to everyone for taking the time to write blog posts and/or for sending in pictures of your fabulous makes!  Each of you kept us motivated with sewing ideas.  I know 2019 will bring new ideas and tips and I'm looking forward to sharing what's hot off your sewing machine.
Happy (Sewing) New Year!!